Four words you will hear often around FBCSF are Gather, Grow, Give and Go. These four realities not only define who we are, they give direction to everything we do. This is not only true for the church, it is also true for our homes. The journey we walk with our children should be marked by helping them understand our need to Gather in Biblical Community, Grow in Personal Discipleship, Give cheerfully, and Go and Make Disciples.

The Ascent exists to partner with you as you guide your child’s faith journey one step at a time. We believe that parents are the most important people in the lives of their children. Because of this, God designed the family as the primary place for children to learn how to walk with Jesus. It is our desire to encourage you as you lead your family and provide you with helpful resources every step of the way!

Survey the Mountain

Resources for Christian Parents

No-one can effectively climb a mountain without making good preparation and plans.  Before you begin the trek of Family Discipleship, take some time to read through some of the resources that FBC St. Francisville has made available to you for the journey.  All it takes is a little time and a little effort to start your family on a journey that will impact and change your family’s lives forever. We have divided the first 18 years of a child’s life into 6 stages in the ascent.  There are resources available for each stage that contain helpful, age-specific information for growth and development. As your child reaches each stage, we as a church will be working with you to support, train and encourage your family as you teach the truth of God's Word in your homes.

Stage 1 - Base Camp

Base Camp (Birth - PreK): Solid Ground and Ground Rules During the infancy and toddler years, children’s skills and emotions develop rapidly.  Even in these years, parents can begin discipleship with their children.  “Start a youth out on his way; even when he grows old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6).  As you embrace their physical needs, you can also set the stage for further spiritual conversations by helping them make sense of the world as they encounter it for the first time.


Core Competency
Parents as Primary Disciplers

Your Main Role
To Embrace - Your role is to create boundaries, building stability and cultivating self-control. 

Be consistent in responding to them and in your discipline during this stage

From the beginning of this stage, you have

approximately 936 WEEKS until graduation


STAge 2 - Advanced base camp

Advance Base Camp (k-3rd Grades): Laying Foundations and Starting the Climb - Your child is beginning to adjust to big changes.  But, the steps of change can also be a platform for discovery and growth.  This phase is rich with opportunities to point them to the Gospel in the way you answer their questions, listen to the stories, and show up consistently.



Core Competency

Believing the Gospel & Understanding Personal Relationship with God.


Your Main Role

To Invest - Your role is to engage in relationship on their level to encourage them in their efforts as they grow.



Initiate Gospel conversations often during daily activities.


From the beginning of this stage, you have 

approximately 676 WEEKS until graduation.


STAGE 3 - The Slope

THE SLOPE (4th - 5th Grades): The Upward Turn - Preparing for Adolescence - Your preteen can understand different points of view, empathize with others and negotiate like a champ.  That means one thing: Your influence is shifting.  Your kid needs you, but they are beginning to need you in a different way. “Without guidance, a people will fall, but with many counselors there is deliverance,” (Proverbs 11:14).  Help your child identify other trusted voices who will help them grow as they follow Christ.




Core Competency

Growing in Identity & Spiritual Disciplines


Your Main Role

To Support - Your role is to help your child interpret outside influences as they grow more independent.



Have open discussions about the people who are influential in their lives, and why they are influential.


From the beginning of this stage, there is 

approximately 468 WEEKS until graduation.


Stage 4 - The Ridge

THE RIDGE (6th - 8th Grades): Building Identity and Learning to Walk the Narrow Way - In the beginning of middle school, your student is bombarded with voices telling them who they should be.  Middle schoolers are often motivated by acceptance.  As parents, we want to not only help them feel accepted, but also to feel secure in their identity.  As we affirm that they are made in the image of God, your student will gain confidence in the midst of change and assurance that they have been called by God to make a Kingdom impact.




Core Competency

Navigating Healthy Relationships and Establishing Biblical Purity


Your Main Role

To Affirm - your role is to patiently help guide your student by confirming their value, providing stability, and encouraging them frequently.


From the beginning of this stage, you have 

approximately 364 WEEKS until graduation.

Download Resources

Stage 5 - The Crest

The Crest (9th - 11th Grades): Reaching New Heights and Owning Your Faith - as your student enters high school, your relationship with them begins to change. In this phase, your student will probably spend more time away from you than with you.  They will experience a significant amount of newfound freedom. That freedom presents an opportunity for you to gauge their spiritual maturity. As they grow, challenge them to use their freedom to glorify God. Direct and guide them to pursue Godly community, grow in their personal relationship with Christ, and develop a servant’s heart.




Core Competency

Learning to Lead, Using Spiritual Gifts, and Practicing Spiritual Disciplines


Your Main Role

To Empower - Your role is to influence your student to actively serve the Kingdom, exercise Godly wisdom, and to collaborate with them on boundaries to grant freedom and opportunities to prove they are responsible.


From the beginning of this stage, you have 

approximately 208 WEEKS until graduation.


stage 6 - the summit

THE SUMMIT (12th Grade): Reaching the Peak and Stepping Out on Mission - Graduation is nearing, and your student is preparing to step out on their own. As seniors determine where they are headed next, continue to cast vision and remind them of their purpose in life. In this phase, seek to capitalize on every conversation to remind them their mission is to make disciples. Intentionally point them to being Godly influencers instead of people who are easily influenced. Mobilize them in such a way that they are equipped and sent out like arrows in a quiver (Psalm 127:3-5) since your student ultimately belongs to the Lord.




Core Competency

Making Disciples, Defending Your Faith, Serving, and Influencing Culture


Your Main Role

To Support - Your role is to offer support, cast vision, and provide grace as your student comes to understand their purpose as a Christ follower to be missionally focused.


From the beginning of this stage, you have 

approximately 52 WEEKS until graduation.