Mission: Through enthusiasm, caring, and dedication our goal is to provide a safe and loving
Christian environment for the children of our community while their parents enjoy two mornings a
week of free time.
Program: Children will learn, play and develop social skills. The children will listen to Bible stories, participate in group activities and exploration stations, while also enjoying free play, music, and craft time.
Age: Our MMO is offered to children ages 1 – 4
Classes: The children are divided into three classes by age:
- Bumblebees (Ages 1 and early 2)
- Ladybugs (Age 2)
- Butterflies (Ages 3 and 4)
Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Hours: 8:30 – 2:00
Tuition: Tuition is $200 a month and is due by the 5th of each month. Tuition is for the full September to May school year, divided into 9 equal monthly payments for your convenience. The monthly tuition takes into account normal school closings due to holidays and the occasional school closing due to inclement weather. It also takes into account the shortened months of December (holiday) and May (end of school year). Tuition refunds cannot be given for illness or vacation. Tuition is due even if your child does not attend. Please make check payable to FBCSF.
To pay your tuition online : Click here! (Registration Fees for 2025-2026 enrollment must be paid by cash or check.)
Calendar: We will follow the FBCSF and West Feliciana School calendars with regard to holidays and inclement weather. If West Feliciana Schools are closed, we will be closed as well.
Enrollment Procedures: Children will be enrolled in MMO when the following is completed and on file:
- Registration Form
- Immunization Records
- $75 Nonrefundable Registration/Supply Fee
Licensing: This program is not required to be licensed by the state as a child care agency.
Child Safety: Children are supervised at all times while on the church campus. Children will only be released to adults listed in their school file, WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
Curriculum: Children are guided through learning activities using age appropriate Christian curriculum. Typical activities include art, music, games, nature and science exploration, story-telling and free play. We seek to strengthen the child’s ability to establish healthy and meaningful relationships with other children and to respect others. Our goal for the MMO Ministry is for the child to know God’s love for them by experiencing a positive, nurturing and loving Christ-centered environment.
Daily Activities: Bible lessons, academic lessons, scripture memory, centers, story time, craft time, nap/rest time, outside play and music time.
Immunization: Children must be immunized to attend MMO. Proof of Immunization is due upon registration.
Illness: Children must be picked up if they show the following symptoms: Temperature of 100 degrees, vomiting, diarrhea, red eyes with mucus discharge. Children must be fever free, without medication, for 24 hours before returning to MMO.
Lunches: Each child will eat a lunch brought from home. Please send food in a lunchbox that does not need be refrigerated or heated.
Snacks: Snacks will be provided by the MMO program and donations from parents. Please provide a written notification to the teacher if there are any allergies. Snacks can include but are not limited to goldfish crackers, graham crackers, animal crackers, cheerios, fruit snacks, fresh fruit, etc.
Nap: We will have a rest time during the day from 12:00 – 1:30. Encouraging your child to lie down for a rest time each day will help reinforce this time at MMO. If your child has any nap needs such as pacifiers, loveys, or a blanket please feel free to send them each day.
- Butterflies and Lady Bugs: We suggest a mat such as the Everyday Toddler Nap Mat found on Amazon (Nap Mat is provided by parent).
- Caterpillars: Nap needs will be child specific, please speak with your child’s teacher.
Classroom Rules: Our rules will be a reinforcement of The Fruit of the Spirit. We will use the following words while kindly redirecting behavior:
- Gentleness
- Peace
- Love
- Kindness
- Joy
- Patience
- Faithfulness
- Goodness
- Self-control
Discipline: By being consistent with our classroom rules, each child will know the appropriate classroom behavior. We use positive reinforcement that rewards acceptable behavior and gives consequences for unacceptable behavior.
When a child’s behavior violates the classroom rules, the following steps will be taken:
- The child will be spoken to in a private manner to ensure that he or she knows the appropriate classroom behavior.
- If misbehavior continues, the child will be placed in time-out. The parent will be notified of the time-out.
Visitors: Parents/guardians are always welcome. We do request that you schedule an appointment with your child’s teacher for a classroom visit or parent conference, so as not to disrupt the class.
Emergencies: Should your child become ill or injured during MMO, our policy is as follows:
- We will attempt to contact the parent.
- In the event that we cannot reach the parent, we will attempt to contact the Emergency Contact person listed on the registration form signed by the parent.
- Should contact not be made, MMO shall take appropriate actions to care for the child.
Arrival/Dismissal: Drop off is between 8:30 and 9:15; we begin our scheduled morning circle time at 9:15. Dismissal is at 2:00.
It is easier on your child if you do not prolong morning drop off. It is best for the parent to say goodbye, give a hug and a kiss and leave the child as quickly as possible. Children will usually settle down once their parent is gone. You are welcome to call and see how your child is doing.
We must keep guidelines on when the program opens and closes each day. Please plan to arrive between 8:30 and 9:00 each morning and promptly at 2:00 to pick up your child. Children late being picked up will be charged $5 for every 10 minutes you are late.
Potty Training: While it is not the responsibility of the teacher to potty-train your child, we are happy to help encourage them to use the potty. We do require your child to wear pull-ups while at MMO.
Absences: We regret that refunds cannot be given for illnesses or missed days.
Birthdays: Parents may send a special snack on their child’s birthday. Please notify the teacher in advance.
MMO Extras: Please note the following list of items to send each class time. Label the personal items with your child’s name.
- School backpack or diaper bag.
- Spill-proof cup that can be refilled.
- A complete change of clothing.
- Lunch in a lunchbox.
- Diapers or pull-ups and wipes (if needed).
Communication: Open communication between parent and teacher is imperative for a successful school year. Please feel free to ask questions and request to talk to the teacher at any time.