What are small groups at FBCSF?

Small groups include any group of people who gather together on a regular basis in biblical community for the purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ. At FBCSF, small groups include Sunday School groups, Connect Groups, and Home Groups. Sunday School groups use Lifeway's Sunday School Curriculum. Connect Groups primarily use FBCSF's In-House Bible Study/Discussion material (a few use special topic studies). Home Groups are basically Connect Groups that meet in homes. It's as simple as that!

Why are small groups at FBCSF important?

During the months of June-August of 2017, FBCSF took time to focus on small group ministry at our church. Each week, we posted a video, along with some discussion questions, to help us pray for and think biblically about small group ministry at FBCSF. Below you'll find links to the videos and discussion questions for each week.

Week 1

Our Purpose: Make Disciples

Questions for Week 1

  • How are our small groups focused on multiplication?
  • How are our small groups participating in evangelism?
  • How are our small groups connected to the church?
  • How are our small groups focused on applying God's Word to help disciples observe all that Jesus commanded?

Week 2

Our Personality: Biblical Community

Questions for Week 2

  • How can our small groups help to develop unity or oneness in our faith family?
  • How can our small groups grow and enhance biblical community in our faith family?
  • What are some things that our small groups can do to encourage biblical relationships among more people in our faith family?
  • How does our relationship with other believers in our faith family impact our witness for Jesus in our community?

Week 3

Elements of Biblical Community: God's Word

Questions for Week 3

  • Are we digging deeper into God's Word in our small groups?
  • Are we allowing for questions to be asked and for answers to be searched out in God's Word?
  • Are we correcting misunderstandings and encouraging correct understandings of God's Word?

Week 4

Elements of Biblical Community: Evangelism & Equipping

Questions for Week 4

  • How can we grow the connection between evangelism and equipping in our small groups?
  • How can we grow a heart for evangelism in our small groups?
  • How can we grow equipping in our small groups?

Week 5

Elements of Biblical Community: Prayer

Questions for Week 5

  • Is prayer in our small groups mostly focused on physical and temporary things, or is our prayer primarily focused on God and His mission?
  • How can we grow a heart for prayer in our small groups that pursues the heart of prayer in biblical community in Scripture?

Week 6

Elements of Biblical Community: Fellowship

Questions for Week 6

  • Is our fellowship focused on “the fellowship” that’s emphasized in the early church?
  • If not, why not, and how can our small groups shift to that focus in our fellowship?
  • How can our small groups help grow Christ-centered relationships in the church today?
  • How can our small groups help believers partner or fellowship together in the work of Jesus?

Week 7

Elements of Biblical Community: Ministry

Questions for Week 7

  • Why is ministry in biblical community in the Bible primarily focused on ministering to other believers?
  • Why are small groups critical to really meeting needs in our faith family?
  • What can we do to continue to encourage and to facilitate ministry in our small groups?

Week 8

Relaunch Ready

Questions for Week 8

  • Where does God want you in our small groups at FBC?